You are looking for 94% level 295 picture that contains doctor, weight and scale answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions of the 94% level 295 picture game, that is most popular on Android, iOS and Windows devices. To find correct answers in internet not so simple, but don't worry about it now. This time we collected for you all answers for 94% game. On this page you can find 94% level 295 picture answers, so you can solve stage and earn three stars without using joker and hints. So add our page 94% level 295 picture answers to the bookmarks and use it at any time.
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94% level 295 picture
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94% level 295 picture answers
Doctor, Doctors
You see this person when you don't feel well
Weight, Weigh, Weighing, Weights, Weigh in
This is something people try to manage by diet and exercise
Scale, Scales, Weighing scale
You step on one of these in your bathroom
Check up, Checkup, Appointment, Physical, Check, Check-up, Health check, Body check
You have one of these once a year to make sure you are healthy
Stethoscope, Stethescope, Stethascope
The doctor puts this on you and asks you to inhale and exhale
The doctor's waiting room is full of these
Look for also: 94% It can change color, 94% Something that has strings on it
Some answers can differ on different smartphones and different versions of games. In that case we suggest you to update 94% game to the latest version.
← 94% Something that has strings on it | 94% It’s associated with fairy tales → |