On this page we collected for you 94% level 7 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 7 level at one player can differ from 7 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 7 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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Look also at 94% answers and cheats page with a convenient alphabetic order.

94% level 7 answers

94% Animals hatched from eggs answers
Bird, Chicken, Duck, Birds, Penguin, Ostrich, Chickens, Emu, Chick, Ducks, Penguins, Goose, Hen, Chicks, Eagle, Dove, Duckling, Eagles, Sparrow
It has wings and a beak
Snake, Snakes
It slithers

Turtle, Turtles, Tortoise
It hides in its shell when threatened
Crocodile, Alligator, Crocodiles, Alligators
It has a strong tail, four legs and a stronger bite than any other animal
Fish, Fishes
It has scales and fins
Lizard, Lizards
It has four legs and a long tail that will regenerate if lost

94% James Bond answers
Spy, Agent, Secret, Secret agent
A secret identity, weapons training and language courses are part of the job
007, OO7
You know his number
Gun, Guns, Weapon
It uses combustion to propel an object at a target
Action, Fight
It has you on the edge of your seat at the cinema
Sexy, Handsome, Hot
It's no mystery why this international man of mystery gets all the women
Suit, Suits, Tuxedo, Tux, Suit and tie
This is worn for business or formal affairs to look sharp
Movie, Movies, Film
They're made for the big screen
Car, Cars, Aston Martin, Fast cars, Fast car
Bond's fast toy

Girls, Women, Bond Girl
The fairer sex, young

94% level 7 picture answers

94% level 7 picture answers
Math, Science, Numbers, Equation, Algebra, Maths, Formula, Equations, Physics, Chemistry
You use it to figure out when two trains will meet or how many apples Bob has
You use it on the blackboard or sidewalk

School, Class
Where you go every day as a kid
Hard, Complicated, Confusing, Difficult, Confused, Confusion, Tricky, Difficulty
It's not easy
Board, Blackboard, Chalkboard, Chalk board
Teachers have to write on them, students want to write on them
Einstein, Albert Einstein
The Nobel laureate who came up with E = mc2

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