On this page we collected for you 94% level 65 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 65 level at one player can differ from 65 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 65 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 65 answers

94% Something that foams answers
Soap, Shampoo, Bubble bath, Detergent, Washing up liquid, Shower gel, Washing powder, Bath bomb, Laundry detergent, dish soap, Face wash, Body wash, Dishwashing liquid, Bath foam, Bodywash, Handwash, laundry soap, Washing liquid, bath soap, soaps, Bubble baths, hand soap
You use it for your dishes and your body
Sea, Water, Ocean, Salt water, Oceans, Ocean waves, sea water, Ocean water, The ocean
It is the salty home to millions of species

Soda, Cola, Coca cola, Soft drinks, Rootbeer, Fizzy drinks
A fizzy drink both kids and adults like
Shaving Cream, shaving foam
Men use it on their faces and women on their legs
It is a fizzy drink you must be 18 or 21 to drink
It helps prevent cavities

94% The circus answers
Clown, clowns
Some people find them funny, some people find them scary
Elephant, elephants
It never forgets
Lion, lions, lion tamer, lion tamers
It's the king of the jungle
Acrobat, Acrobats, Stunts, Gymnastics, Stunt, acrobatic
What you'd call a performer in Cirque du Soleil
Tent, big top
It's your home when camping
Tightrope, tight rope, highwire, tight ropes
Acrobatic balancing act on a wire

Trapeze, trapeze artist
Acrobatic act by one or multiple people on swinging bars

94% level 65 picture answers

94% level 65 picture answers
The animal known for building dams
Water, River, Lake, Pond
71% of the Earth is covered by this

Wood, Stick, Sticks
It is used for building and burning
A barrier preventing the flow of water

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