On this page we collected for you 94% level 60 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 60 level at one player can differ from 60 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 60 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 60 answers

94% It's blue answers
Sky, the sky
It is where you'll see birds, plans and rainbows
Water, Ocean, Sea, Pool, River, The ocean, The sea
71% of the Earth is covered by this

Blueberry, blueberries, berries
It is one of very few naturally blue foods
Jeans, jean, blue jeans
A popular clothing item created by Levi Strauss and Jacob W. Davis
Whale, blue whale, whales
Moby Dick and Shamu are famous ones
Smurf, smurfs
This cartoon lives in the forest, wears a pointy hat and speaks in an odd way

94% Slang for "money" answers
It may come from the French "caisse" which means "money box" or "till"
Dough, doe
It's what bread is before baking and important for preventing hunger like money
Moola, moolah, mula, mulah
A theory is this comes from the Spanish "Mula" for mule, which had trade value
Bucks, buck
It is not sure, but this could come from the trade value of  male deer's skin
The word for paper money
This comes from the color of US dollars
This comes from the material of bills

This comes from the Founding Father featured on the $100 bill

94% level 60 picture answers

94% level 60 picture answers
Cat, Kitten, Kitty
It will chase a mouse in your house
Food, kibble
It is our fuel, and for some people it is a passion

Bucket, buckets
It 's used when mopping or feeding animals
Mess, Spill, messy
Kids and animals often make this when left alone

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