On this page we collected for you 94% level 343 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 343 level at one player can differ from 343 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 343 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 343 answers

94% Something twins usually share answers
You need these every day unless you're a naturist
Looks, Face, Hair, Hair color, Eye color, Eyes, Faces, Hair colour, Appearance, Features, Eye colour, Look, Facial features
Shallow people only care about this

Room, Bedroom, Rooms, Bedrooms, A room
It's where you go to sleep and keep your clothes
Parents, Family, Mother, Mom, Dad, Father, Mum, Moms, Dads
You're a combination of their DNA
Birthday, Birthdays
You eat cake to celebrate yourself on this ocassion
They'll be there for you
They are what kids want for Christmas, even if they wind up playing with the box

94% Something you use to clean your teeth/mouth answers
Toothbrush, Tooth brush, Brush
It's bristles brush away plaque
Mouthwash, Mouth wash, Listerine, Mouth rinse
Some have alcohol and some don't to lesson the burn
Toothpaste, Tooth paste, Paste
Some feature flouride, others baking soda
Floss, Dental floss
It's what you're supposed to do to get into the smallest spaces in your mouth
Toothpick, Tooth pick
They help you get that piece of spinach from your teeth after dinner

Gum, Mint, Chewing gum
It helps freshen breath when it's not convenient to brush your teeth

94% level 343 picture answers

94% level 343 picture answers
Camera, Video camera
It captures memories
News, Talk show
It's what we watch or read to know what's going on in the world

Anchor, Reporter, Anchorman, Presenter, Host, News anchor, Newscaster, Newsman, Anchor man, Newsreader, Broadcaster, Journalist, News reader, News caster
He or she is responsible for presenting the news on air
Film, Record, Filming, Recording, Shoot, Shooting
It's what people do to capture an event in motion
Television, TV show, TV, TV station
It's what your couch is angled toward in the living room
Studio, Set
It's where TV shows are filmed inside
Live, On air
It's what you say when you're on the air, or when a wire has electricity

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