On this page we collected for you 94% level 318 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 318 level at one player can differ from 318 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 318 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 318 answers

94% Lip answers
Stick, Lipstick, Lip stick
It follows the words "match," "USB" and "selfie"
Gloss, Lipgloss, Lip gloss
It's the opposite of "matte"

Balm, Lipbalm, Lip balm
It is used to soothe skin
Sync, Syncing
It's when you're in unison
It's something someone does for you, what you call a waiter's type of job
It can be put on eyes, lips or even in drawers or books
Read, Reading, Reader
Many parents do this with fairytales before kids go to bed

94% Something people ask to be signed answers
Contract, Contracts, Agreement, A contract
It makes a sale or agreement official with signatures
Book, Yearbook, Autograph book, Books, Guest book, Year book, Autograph books
It's entertainment without sound or a screen
Check, Cheque, Checks, Cheques, Checque
It's a way to pay with paper that isn't money
Shirt, Jersey, Tshirt, Shirts, T shirt, T-shirt, Tshirts, Jerseys, T shirts, T-shirts
It comes in many styles: button up, henley, polo or T
Picture, Photo, Photograph, Pictures, Photos, Photographs
It's  worth a thousand words
Ball, Baseball, Football, Balls, Basketball, Tennis ball
Kids play with it as a toy, professional athletes play with it as a job
Petition, Petitions
It usually needs a certain amount of signatures to elicit action
Permission slip, Permission, Permission slips, Permission form, Permisson slip, Permission forms, Permission note, Permission notes
The school sends this home to for parents to allow children to do things

Receipt, Reciept, Recipt, Receipts, Credit card receipt, Recipts, Credit card slip
A chashier has you sign this to finalize a plastic transaction

94% level 318 picture answers

94% level 318 picture answers
It's a raw Japanese staple food
Japanese, Japan
It's what you call someone or something from the Land of the Rising Sun

Chopsticks, Chop sticks
An eating utensil used in the far east
A spicy green condiment

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