On this page we collected for you 94% level 313 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 313 level at one player can differ from 313 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 313 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 313 answers

94% An animal to which you don't want to be compared answers
It likes to bathe in the mud and oink
It never forgets

We get most of our milk from this animal
It slithers
Dog, Bitch, Female dog, Bulldog
It's man's best friend
Hippopotamus, Hippo
This hungry hungry animal is the third largest land animal
It lives in sewers and eats out of the trash
It is very slow, also the name of one of the seven deadly sins

94% A sound you hear at a sporting event answers
Cheering, Cheer, Cheers, Chanting, Yay, Chants, Chant, Chearing, Go team, Lets go
American sports teams have a squad to to this for teams to encourage them
Yelling, Screaming, Shouting, Scream, Screams, Yell, Shout, Shouts, Yells
You do this when you're mad or when you need to get someone's attention
Whistle, Whistles, Wistle, Whistling
Referees and coaches use this to get players' attention
Booing, Boo, Boos, Boooo
It's what you say to the opposing team, or what a ghost says
Clapping, Clap, Applause, Claps, Claping
It's what you do at the end of a concert, goal score or theater performance
Horn, Horns, Air horn, Airhorn, Honk
A car has it to get someone's attention, or sports fans have one to make noise
Music, Singing, Band, Anthem, Songs, Song, Marching band
It's the universal language

Announcer, Commentator, Speaker, Announcers, Commentary, Announcements, Announcement, Commentating, Loudspeaker, Commentators, Speakers, Loud speaker, Commentater, Announcing, Sports announcer
He or she narrates a game live for fans, radio and TV

94% level 313 picture answers

94% level 313 picture answers
Castle, Palace, Neuschwanstein, Neuchwanstein
Princes and princesses live in these in fairytales
Forest, Trees, Tree, Woods
This dense wooded area is home to lots of animals

It's where you'll find birds, planes and stars
Germany, Europe, Bavaria
The country known for Oktoberfest, cars and susages
Fairytale, Fairy tale, Enchanted, Majestic, Fairy tail, Fairytales
It usually begins with "Once upon a time..."

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