On this page we collected for you 94% level 299 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 299 level at one player can differ from 299 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 299 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 299 answers

94% Something you'd find washed up on a beach answers
Shell, Shells, Seashell, Seashells, Sea shells, Sea shell
It is on a nut, turtle and oyster
Seaweed, Sea weed, Algae
It floats in the ocean and is wrapped around sushi

Garbage, Trash, Rubbish, Litter, Debris
It gets taken out and picked up weekly so it doesn't start to smell up the house
Fish, Dead fish
Tuna, salmon and haddock are a few types
Bottle, Bottles, Message in a bottle
It's what water and soda come in
Wood, Driftwood, Drift wood, Log, Sticks
You can build a house with it, or burn it in a fireplace
Whale, Whales
Blue, humpback and beluga are types of this animal
Jellyfish, Jelly fish
It gets its name from its pliable body
Crab, Crabs
It typically walks sideways and you eat its claws
Rock, Rocks, Stones, Stone
It's a natural mass of minerals people mine, collect or use to build or decorate

94% Something you rent answers
House, Apartment, Flat, Home, Appartment, Condo, Cottage, Houses, A house, Holiday home, Villa, Apartments, Apartement
You welcome people here by saying "mi casa es su casa"
Car, Cars, Limo, A car
It replaced horse and carriages as daily transportation
Movie, Movies, DVD, Video, Film, DVDs, A DVD
You watch this with popcorn
Boat, Boats, A boat
It can be propelled by an engine, oars or sails
Hotel room, Room, Hotel, Rooms
It is where you stay when you're traveling
Bike, Bicycle, Motorcycle, Bikes
It's a mode of transportation often used by kids and teenagers

Tuxedo, Suit, Tux
It's what a groom wears to a formal wedding

94% level 299 picture answers

94% level 299 picture answers
Race, Marathon
It's done for speed, from 100 metres to a marathon
Finish line, Finish, Rope, Line, Ribbon, Finishline, String
This is what people try to cross first in a race

Winner, Win, First, Winning, Victory, Won, First place
It's what you are when you come in first place
Run, Running
It's more aerobic than walking or jogging
Happy, Fun, Smile
It's a state of being in which you're likely to smile
Work, Business, Office, Workers
It is what adults usually do around 40 hours a week to earn a living

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