On this page we collected for you 94% level 296 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 296 level at one player can differ from 296 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 296 answers and add this page to bookmarks.
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94% level 296 answers
94% It's associated with fairy tales answers
Princess, Princesses
Her mother and father rule the kingdom
Fairy, Fairies, Fairys, Fairy godmother, Faries, Fairy god mother, Tooth fairy, Fairy dust, Fairy godmothers, Pixies
She sprinkles sparkling dust everywhere
His mother and father rule the kingdom
Magic, Magic wand, Magical
A wand and spells are used to do this
Witch, Witches, Wizard, Wicked witch, Wizards, Evil witch
Her mode of transportation is a broom stick
Dragon, Dragons
This big, winged creature breathes fire
Happy ending, Happily ever after, Happy endings, Happy, Happy ever after, Happiness, Happy end
It's what you hope for to make them smile at the end of a story
Castle, Castles
It's the monarch's home, possibly surrounded by a moat
Love, True love, Romance, True loves kiss
It's all you need
It's entertainment without sound or a screen
94% Something a lifeguard may carry answers
Whistle, A whistle, Whistles
Blowing into this makes a sound that gets everyone's attention
Float, Life preserver, Floaty, Buoy, Lifesaver, Floatie, Life saver, Life ring, Floatation device, Bouy, Raft, Tube, Flotation device, Life raft, Floater, Rubber ring, Floating device, Floaties, Floats, Life float, A float
It's either the moving decoration at a parade or what keeps you from sinking
Sunscreen, Sunblock, Sun screen, Sun block, Suncream, Sun cream, Suntan lotion, Sun lotion, Sun tan lotion
If you don't wear this you'll get sunburned
Life jacket, Life vest, Lifejacket, Vest, Lifevest, Life jackets, A life vest
Wearing this can save you from drowning if you fall off a boat
Board, Surfboard, Surf board, Flutter board, Paddle board, Boogie board, Body board, Backboard, Paddleboard
This flat object can be something you surf, cut or mix sound on
Sunglasses, Glasses, Sun glasses, Sunnies
You wear these so you don't have to squint outside
First aid kit, First aid, Firstaid kit, First aide kit, First aid bag
This comes in handy for small medical issues
You use this after a shower, washing your hands or getting out of the pool
Homo sapien

94% level 296 picture answers
Block, Blocks, Lego, Bricks, Legos, Building blocks, Brick
You stack these to build walls or buildings
Kid, Boy, Child, Kids
Chefs, baseball players and cowboys wear one
Build, Building, Builder, Construction, Construct
This is what carpenters do with wood and kids do with blocks
It's what kids do with toys and each other
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