On this page we collected for you 94% level 269 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 269 level at one player can differ from 269 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 269 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 269 answers

94% A job an athlete might have after he/she retires answers
Coach, Coaching, Sports coach, Assistant coach, A coach, Gym coach
This person is in charge of strategy and moral for a team
Trainer, Personal trainer, Fitness trainer, Athletic trainer, Gym trainer, Physical trainer
This person helps non athletes and athletes achieve physical goals

Commentator, Announcer, Reporter, Presenter, Sportscaster, Host, Broadcaster, Sports caster, Sports announcer, Analyst, Tv host, Pundit, Sports commentator, Tv presenter, Sports reporter, Talk show host, Sports presenter, Tv personality, Sport commentator
This person analyses plays and players at sporting events for media
Teacher, Gym teacher, Instructor, Pe teacher, Sports teacher, Teach, Teaching, Sport teacher
This person looks forward to summer as much as kids do
Actor, Actress, Acting
This person gets used to paparazzi and red carpets
Manager, General manager
He/she is in charge of recruiting and seeing to the overall function of a team
Speaker, Motivational speaker, Public speaker
He/she stands at a podium to motivate or inform audiences

94% People get this removed from their bodies answers
It can be worn in a ponytail, 'fro or bob
Mole, Moles
These dark, raised spots on skin are usually harmless, but some may be cancerous
Appendix, Apendix
This organ attached to the small intestine isn't necessary for humans
Tattoo, Tattoos
This body art can only be removed with painful lasers
A macronutrient found in foods like oil and dairy, it's needed but in moderation
Tooth, Teeth, Wisdom teeth, Wisdom tooth
You get two sets of these in life and must take care of the second set longer
Tumor, Cancer, Tumors
It's an abnormal growth of tissue, whether benign or malignant
Wart, Warts
This rough growth is often depicted on a witch's nose

Tonsil, Tonsils
These two mounds of tissue at the back of the throat aren't missed when removed

94% level 269 picture answers

94% level 269 picture answers
Mud, Dirty, Dirt, Muddy
Pigs like to coat themselves in this to stay cool
Race, Competition, Course, Challenge, Tough mudder
People do this for 100M, 5K, and even 26.2 miles

Obstacle, Obstacle course, Hurdle, Obstacles, Hurdles
It blocks progress
This takes arm and leg strength, whether for a fence or mountain
It's more aerobic than walking or jogging

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