On this page we collected for you 94% level 264 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 264 level at one player can differ from 264 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 264 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 264 answers

94% A wild animal you'd find in a city answers
It lives in sewers and eats of out trash cans
Raccoon, Racoon
It looks like it is wearing a mask to dig in your trash can

It has nine lives
It darts up and down trees, poles and fences
It's man's best friend
It is described as clever
These birds feed on crumbs in parks and hang out on building ledges and statues
It slithers

94% Something for which you use water every day answers
Shower, Bath, Wash, Showering, Bathing, Bathe, Wash hair, Showers, Shower/bath, Bath/shower, Take a bath, Baths, Take shower, Take a shower, Wash yourself
You hope the water is warm to do this
Drink, Drinking, To drink, Drinks, Hydration, Thirst, Water bottle, Drinking water, Hydrate, Drink water
You do this when you're thirsty
Brush teeth, Brushing teeth, Teeth, Toothbrush, Brush, Brush your teeth, Brushing your teeth, Clean teeth, Cleaning teeth, Tooth brush, Brushing, Teeth brushing, Wash teeth, Brishing your teeth, Brush my teeth
This helps prevent cavities and freshen breath
Cook, Cooking, Food, Pasta, Baking, Making food
Some people do this well at home or professionally, others just order takeout
Toilet, Bathroom, Flush toilet, Flushing toilet, Flushing the toilet, Going to the bathroom
You do this when nature calls
Dishes, Wash dishes, Washing dishes, Washing up, Dishwasher, Clean dishes, Wash up, Dish washer, Wash pots, Cleaning dishes, Doing dishes, Do dishes, Clean up dishes
It's easier if you have a machine for the dirty part, but you have to empty it
Plants, Garden, Water plants, Watering plants, Plant, Gardening, Flowers, Grass, Lawn, Watering, Flower, Sprinkler, Water lawn, Water garden, To water plants, Watering garden
If you have a green thumb, they probably look healthy and green
Hands, Wash hands, Washing hands, Hand washing, Wash your hands, Washing your hands, Wash hand, Hand wash
You use these to wave, hold and shake
Laundry, Washing, Wash clothes, Clothes, Washing clothes, Washing machine, Clean clothes, Clothes washing
You do this when you run out of clean underwear

Coffee, Tea, Kettle, Make coffee, Cup of tea, Coffee maker, Make tea, Making coffee, Boiling kettle, Coffee machine, Cup of coffee, Making tea
Just the smell of this can perk you up

94% level 264 picture answers

94% level 264 picture answers
PiƱata, Pinata
If you have a good swing, you'll get candy from this
Party, Celebration
You do this to celebrate someone or something

Kid, Kids, Children, Girl, Child
You usually eat cake on this day
Stick, Bat
This is something you can use to poke, hit or skewer things
Hat, Party hat, Hats, Party hats, Birthday hat
Cowboys, chefs and baseball players wear one
Hit, Swing, Whack
Do this hard to a person and it hurts, to a baseball and it may be a home run

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