On this page we collected for you 94% level 259 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 259 level at one player can differ from 259 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 259 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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Look also at 94% answers and cheats page with a convenient alphabetic order.

94% level 259 answers

94% It's precious to you answers
Family, Children, Kids, Child, Parents, Spouse, Baby, Husband, Partner, Wife, Mom, Dad, Kid, Mother, Babies, Mum, Brother, Sister, Siblings, Father, My family, Parent, Daughter, Family member
You can't choose them
Jewelry, Ring, Jewellery, Jewlery, Wedding ring, Gold, Diamonds, Jewelery, Necklace, Diamond, Jewels, Watch, Rings, Locket, Gems, Bracelet, Engagement ring
This wearable art is usually made of precious metal and/or stones

Friends, Friend, Friendship, Best friend
They'll be there for you
Pets, Pet, Dog, Animals, Cat, Dogs, Puppy, My dog, Puppies
They show you unconditional love when you come home
They say the more you have, the more problems
Phone, Iphone, My phone, Cell phone, Phones, Mobile
80 percent of the world's population has a mobile one
Photos, Pictures, Photo, Picture, Photographs, Photo album
They're worth a thousand words
It's all you need
Memories, Memory
These are what you have left of the past
Life, My life
This is the gift parents give children

94% Something you'd rather pay someone to do for you answers
Clean, Cleaning, Clean house, Housework, Clean the house, House work, Clean room, Clean your house, Clean toilet, Clean my room, Clean my house, House cleaning
You use sprays, rags and sponges to do this
Work, Homework, Study, Job, Do homework, Go to work, Jobs
This is what most people do to earn a living
Garden, Mow lawn, Gardening, Mow, Yard work, Cut grass, Mow the lawn, Lawn, Mow grass, Mowing, Landscaping, Cut the grass, Lawn care, Lawns, Lawn work
This is therapeutic for some people, others just see rakes and mowers as work
Cook, Cooking, Make food
This life skill means you won't be ordering takeout every night
Laundry, Wash, Washing, Wash clothes, Do laundry
You have to do this when you're on your last pair of underwear
Most people do this to get to work everyday

Wash car, Car wash, Clean car, Wash the car
Your paint, wheels and windshield will gleam after doing this

94% level 259 picture answers

94% level 259 picture answers
Study, Homework, Studying, Cram, Revision, Revise, Cramming, Revising
The more you do this, the more likely you are to pass a test
Books, Book, Textbook, Textbooks
They're entertainment without a screen, sound or power

Tired, Exhausted, Sleepy, Exhaustion
This is how you feel when you don't get your eight hours
You need these when you're farsighted or nearsighted
School, College, University, Medical school, High school
This is where kids go five days a week
Stress, Stressed, Frustrated, Overwhelmed, Frustration
This is what people feel from school, jobs or life that is difficult or busy
Exams, Test, Exam, Finals, Tests
This is how schools measure how much you've learned
Highlighters, Highlighter, Marker, Pens, Highlight, Highliter
Use these to make it easy to read only the important, colorful parts of a book

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