On this page we collected for you 94% level 239 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 239 level at one player can differ from 239 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 239 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 239 answers

94% A song that has its own dance answers
This 90s Los Del Río song starts with outstretched arms and ends in shaking hips
Gangnam Style
This Korean pop song was the most liked YouTube video of 2012

Cha Cha Slide
Released in 2000, this song DJ Casper song has you hop, slide, stomp and cha cha
This Village People song uses arm movements to spell out the title's letters
Chicken Dance, Bird dance, Birdie dance
This polka-style song has you flapping wings and shaking your tail feather
Electric Slide
This 70s boogie line dance tells you "you can't see it" and "you gotta feel it"

94% Something you shake answers
Booty, Butt, Hips, Bum, Your booty, Tail feather, Your butt, Butts, Your hips
It's the body part that goes into a chair or the back of jeans
Milk, Milkshake, Milk shake, Chocolate milk, Milkshakes
We mainly get this from cows
Hand, Hands
This holds, waves and shakes
Juice, Orange juice
Kids love this sweet drink made from a natural source of vitamins and minerals
Salt, Salt shaker
It's used to enhance flavor in food, but too much is bad for your blood pressure
Babies like to shake this to make noise
Maraca, Maracas
A mariachi band member would shake this

Head, Your head
This part of the body is where you can experience all five senses

94% level 239 picture answers

94% level 239 picture answers
Fossil, Bones, Fossils, Bone, Skeleton, Artifacts
Hardened over time, this historical evidence gives us insight into the past
Brush, Brushes
This can be used to paint a masterpiece, clean teeth or neaten hair

Dirt, Sand, Dust, Mud
Kids love to play in this home for worms and plants
Archaeology, Archeology, Archeologist, Archaeologist, Paleontologist, Paleontology
This branch of science studies human activity through history
Dig, Digging, Excavate, Uncover, Excavation, Excavating
Dogs do this to have a place for bury bones

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