On this page we collected for you 94% level 237 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 237 level at one player can differ from 237 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 237 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 237 answers

94% Graduation answers
School, College, High school, University, Kindergarten, Middle school
It's where kids go five days a week
Cap, Hat, Hats, Caps, Mortar board
This is thrown in the air at the end of the graduation ceremony

Gown, Robe, Gowns, Robes
It can be worn over clothes for a graduation or the formalwear for woman
Diploma, Certificate
It's a piece of paper that signifies you've worked hard in school for years
Party, Celebration, Celebrate
It's what we do to celebrate a person or event
It is what you earn for completing an educational program
This is the official event held to commemorate an occasion or accomplishment
Speech, Speeches
This is given at special events, usually followed by clinking glasses

94% Something for which a Boy Scout would earn a badge answers
Camping, Tent, Pitching a tent, Tent building, Setting up a tent, Building a tent, Pitch a tent
You sleep in a tent and build a fire doing this
Fire, Starting a fire, Making a fire, Building a fire, Making fire, Campfire, Fire starting, Fire making, Fire building, Starting fire, Building fire, Start a fire, Lighting a fire, Make a fire, Make fire, Start fire
You can make this by rubbing two sticks together
Knots, Knot, Knot tying, Tying knots, Tying a knot, Tie a knot
These helps keep shoes tied and boats docked
Helping, Community service, Service, Volunteering, Helping elderly, Volunteer, Helping the elderly, Helping others, Helping people, Helping old people
Doing this makes you feel good and benefits someone in need
This can be a hobby or profession, but the product is delicious
Depending on length and difficulty, this may require a backpack and boots
If you're lucky doing this, you'll reel in your dinner

First aid
It's done by laypeople in emergencies while waiting for medical professionals

94% level 237 picture answers

94% level 237 picture answers
Rock climbing, Climb, Climbing, Rock climb
This sport uses a belay system to aid someone up or across a real or fake wall
Son, Kid, Boy, Child, Little boy
Male offspring

Father, Dad, Man, Parent, Instructor, Adult
The male parent
Rope, Ropes
It's made strong to haul or tie things by braiding or twisting yarns or strands
Wall, Rock wall
This divides rooms in a house
Harness, Hook, Safety harness
This is worn by acrobats to ensure safety if they fall

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