On this page we collected for you 94% level 219 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 219 level at one player can differ from 219 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 219 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 219 answers

94% Johnny Depp roles answers
Jack Sparrow, Captain Jack Sparrow, Captain jack
He was a swashbuckling character was on the Black Pearl
Edward Scissorhands, Edward scissor hands
This oddball didn't need any tools to cut hedges or hair

Willy Wonka, Willie wonka
He met the kids who got a cgolden ticket
Mad Hatter, The mad hatter
He asks unanswerable questions at a tea party with Alice
Sweeney Todd, Sweeny todd
He is more than just a barber
This animated chameleon didn't blend in with his Hawaiian shirt

94% Something you prefer to do alone answers
Read, Reading, Read a book, Read books, Read book
This form of entertainment doesn't need electricity, but does need imagination
Sleep, Nap, Sleeping
You're supposed to get eight hours of this every night
Shower, Bath, Bathe, Take a shower, Take a bath, Have a bath, Showering, Take shower, Bathing, Have a shower
You hope there's enough hot water for this
Bathroom, Toilet, Pee, Poop, Go to the bathroom, Poo, Use the bathroom, Go to the toilet, Use bathroom, Go to bathroom, Use toilet, Use the toilet, Go to toilet, Go toilet, Peeing
You do this several times a day, sometimes during the night too
Work, Study, Homework, Do homework, Do work
People do this for eight hours a day to earn a salary
Sing, Singing
People sound better when they do this in the shower
Watch TV, Movie, Watch movie, Watch movies, Movies, Watch a movie, Watch Netflix, Watching tv, Watch Youtube
This can be done to catch up on a series or just to relax channel surfing
Exercise, Run, Swim, Work out, Workout, Gym, Jog, Running, Jogging
This gets your heart rate up to get your cholesterol down

Cry, Crying
People do this when they're very sad or, sometimes, when they're very happy

94% level 219 picture answers

94% level 219 picture answers
Food, Dinner, Meal, Lunch, Burger, Burgers, Meals, Supper, Brunch
It is our fuel, and for some people it is a passion
Friends, Family, Friend
They'll be there for you

Phones, Phone, Cell phones, Mobile, Cell phone
80 percent of the world's population has a mobile one
Pictures, Picture, Photo, Photos, Take picture, Taking pictures, Photograph
They're worth a thousand words
Social media, Instagram, Texting, Text, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter
Some people say it connects us, others thing it does the opposite
Wood, Logs, Firewood, Log
It can be used for building or burning

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