On this page we collected for you 94% level 173 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 173 level at one player can differ from 173 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 173 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 173 answers

94% New Year's resolutions answers
Lose weight, Weight, Weight loss, Skinny, Get skinny, Losing weight
This will make clothes feel bigger and thighs smaller
Exercise, Gym, Get fit, Workout, Work out, Sport, Fit, Exercise more, Fitness, Sports, Go to the gym, Join gym, Working out, Be fit, Get in shape, Stay fit, Work out more
It gets your heart rate up to get cholesterol down

Eat healthy, Diet, Healthy, Eat better, Eat healthier, Eat less, Be healthy, No chocolate, Eat right, Eat well, Eating healthy, Healthy eating, Give up chocolate, No junk food, Less sugar
The food pyramid guides you on how to do this
Stop smoking, Smoking, Quit smoking, No smoking, Give up smoking
Gums, lozenges and hypnosis are ways to do this
Be nicer, Be nice, Nicer, Be kind, Nice, Be good, Be better, Better person, Be kinder, Kinder, Be a better person, Kindness, Be better person
Doing this will put you on Santa's present list next year
Save money, Money, Spend less, Make money, More money, Make more money, Spend less money, Earn money
Budgets and piggy banks help you do this
Be happy, Happy, Be happier, Happiness, Happier
Don't worry, do this
Stop drinking, Drink less, Drinking, Quit drinking, No drinking
To do this, try sparkling water or fruit juice when out

94% Plastic surgery answers
Breasts, Boobs, Breast, Boob, Chest, Implants, Boob job, Implant, Breast implants, Breast reduction, Breast enhancement, Breast augmentation, Breast enlargement, Breast implant
Babies feed from them
Nose, Nose job, Rhinoplasty
It can warn you of a gross food before eating it or a fire before seeing it
Face, Face lift, Facelift, face-lift
It's what you see when you look in the mirror
Counterfeit or forged are synonyms
Lips, Mouth, Lip, Lip fillers, Lip injections
Some deaf people can read these
A neurotoxic protein, it weakens muscles to stop wrinkles, migranes and sweating
Doctor, Hospital, Surgeon, Doctors
Seuss, Strangelove and Phil are famous ones

Expensive, Money, Rich
Either you have a big bank account or save for something that is this

94% level 173 picture answers

94% level 173 picture answers
Fortune cookie, Fortune, Cookie, Cookies, Fortune cookies, Fortunes
It's dessert at a Chinese restaurant
Chinese, China, Chinese food, Asian
Coming from the world’s most populous country

Lucky numbers, Numbers, Luck, Lucky
People play these in the lottery
Paper, Note, Message
It is made into books, drawn on and filed away

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