On this page we collected for you 94% level 165 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 165 level at one player can differ from 165 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 165 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 165 answers

94% Something parents always say to kids answers
I love you, Love you
They're three words that couples, families and close friends say
Stop, Stop it, Stop that, Don't do that
It's the word on the octagonal sign

Be quiet, Quiet, Shut up, Shh, Shhh
This is said when kids are too expressive playing or fighting
Clean your room, Clean, Do your chores, Clean up, Clean room, Make your bed, Tidy your room
This is said when kids have toys everywhere or unmade beds
Behave, Be nice, Be good, Manners, Be polite, Mind your manners, Use manners, Use your manners, Remember your manners
This is said as a warning of reprimand for conduct
Go to bed, Sleep, Go to sleep, Bedtime, Bed time, Time for bed
This is said when it has gotten late
Be careful, Be safe, Take care, Stay safe
This is said when heights, speed or sharp objects are involved
Do your homework, Homework, Do homework, Finish your homework
This is said when a backpack is unopened

94% Things associated with Hawaii answers
Beach, Ocean, Water, Sea, Beaches, Oceans
It's where the sea meets the sand
Volcano, Volcanoes
One of these destroyed the city of Pompeii
Hula, Hula dancers, Hula dancing, Hula skirt, Hula skirts, Hula dance, Hula dancer, Hula girls
A dance with a special skirt and slow hip and arm movements
Lei, Leis, Flower necklace, Flower necklaces
This nice smelling accessory is given for love, friendship or honor
Sun, Hot, Warm, Heat, Sunny, Sunshine, Hot weather
The Earth orbits around it
Surfing, Surf, Surfers
"Wipeout" and "pipeline" are words used in this sport
Island, Islands
Without a bridge, you need a plane or boat to reach one of these
Palm trees, Palm tree, Palms
They're plants found by the ocean

Coconuts, Coconut, Coconut bra, Coconut bras, Coconut trees, Coconut tree
A good source of food and hydration if you're stranded on an island

94% level 165 picture answers

94% level 165 picture answers
Concert, Party, Show, Rave, Festival, Gig
This is where you get to see your favorite band in person
Lights, Light, Laser, Lighting, Light show, Spotlight, Lasers, Lightshow, Strobe lights
They help you see indoor and out

Crowd, People, Fans, Audience, Crowded, Lots of people
Some people don't like to be in these because they feel trapped by people
Music, Band, Singer, Rock, Live music, Loud music, Musicians
It is the international language

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