On this page we collected for you 94% level 161 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 161 level at one player can differ from 161 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 161 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 161 answers

94% Something that gets smaller over time answers
Phones, Phone, Cell phone, Mobile, Cell phones, Mobile phone, Mobile phones
80 percent of the world's population has a mobile one
Computers, Computer, Laptop, Laptops
Office workers stare at this eight hours a day

Ice caps, Ice, Ice cap, Glaciers, Glacier, Iceberg, Icebergs, Antarctica, Arctic, Ice bergs, Polar caps, Polar ice caps
These have reduced in size due to climate change
They replaced horse and carriages for daily transportation
Clothes, Clothing
Unless you're a naturist, you need these every day
Soap, Bar of soap
You wish dishes and your body with this
Candles, Candle
They're useful during a power outage or for a romantic evening

94% Sun answers
Shine, Sunshine, Sun shine
Diamonds are eye catching because they do this
Screen, Block, Cream, Lotion, Sunblock, Sunscreen, Sun cream
We look at these for work and entertainment
Set, Sunset, Sun set
Darts, knives and keys come in this
Day, Sunday
One of seven in a week
Rise, Sunrise
This is what blood pressure does when you're stressed
Burn, Sunburn
This happens when you're too close to fire or in the sun too long
Light, Sunlight
You turn this off before bed
Tan, Suntan
We do this to leather and our skin in the sun
Flower, Sunflower
They look and smell beautiful

Glasses, Sunglasses
They help you see 20/20

94% level 161 picture answers

94% level 161 picture answers
Rope, ropes, String, Wire, Cable
It's made strong to haul or tie things by braiding or twisting yarns or strands
Boat, ship, yacht, boats
It is propelled by a large piece of material or an engine

Gold, Metal, Brass, Copper, Bronze
Its fineness is expressed in karats
It covers the hull of a boat and is where you can stand or sit and see the sea
Wood, Planks
It can be used for building or burning

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