On this page we collected for you 94% level 132 answers, cheats, walkthroughs and solutions. As usual each level comprises three sublevels one of which contains picture question. At each level you should find many words and synonyms to collect the necessary number of percent. Happens that levels at all players go in a different order and the 132 level at one player can differ from 132 level of other player. In that case we recommend you go to the page 94% cheats and find the necessary answer. If you can't find proper words simply use our 94% level 132 answers and add this page to bookmarks.

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94% level 132 answers

94% A detective's equipment answers
Magnifying glass, Spyglass
You can use this in the sunlight to fry ants and other insects
Notebook, Paper, Notepad, Pad, Note pad, Pad of paper
It is used daily by students, police and reporters

Gun, Guns, A gun
It uses combustion to propel an object at a target
Hat, Top hat, Cool hat, Deerstalker hat
Cowboys, chefs and baseball players wear these
Camera, Cameras
It captures a moment and memory
Coat, Trench coat, Overcoat, Black coat, Detective coat, Long coat
It may be used as a disguise, or to keep warm and dry
Gloves, Glove, Latex gloves, Rubber gloves
They're used to protect hands from cold, germs and injury

94% Something you do multiple times a day answers
Eat, Eating, Eat a meal, Eat food
It's what you do when your stomach growls
Bathroom, Pee, Toilet, Poop, Poo, Go to the bathroom, Go to toilet, Go toilet, Use toilet, Going to the toilet, Go to the toilet, Use the toilet
It can be number one or number two
Drink, Drink water, Drink coffee, Drinking
This is what you do when your throat is dry or you feel dehydrated
Brush teeth, Brush your teeth, Clean teeth, Wash teeth, Brushing teeth, Brush my teeth
This prevents cavities and gets rid of plaque
Talk, Talk on phone, Talk on the phone, Talking, Talk to people
This is how we communicate with people in person or on the phone
Walk, Walk the dog, Walking, Walk around
A less aerobic version of running or jogging
Blink, Blink eyes
This is how you lose a staring contest

Wash hands, Wash hand, Wash your hands, Washing hands, Wash my hands
This is what you do before you eat and after the bathroom

94% level 132 picture answers

94% level 132 picture answers
Lake, Water, River, Pond
Geneva, Tahoe and Ontario are famous ones of this
Man's best friend

Jump, Dive, Leap, jumping, Diving
You do this for joy
Trees, Forest, tree, Woods
They recycle carbon dioxide into oxygen
Dock, Pier, Deck, Boardwalk
It's a parking space for a boat

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